Property Management
Why Us?
Exceptional service at a competitive rate

As a boutique agency, our highest priority is the level of service we provide our landlords.
We believe that exceptional service leads to reduced property expenses, long term tenants and low vacancy periods.
All of which mean more money in our landlord’s pocket.

We reduce your property expenses
We take a preventative approach to maintenance to identify areas of concern before they become a major expense to the landlord.

We protect the value of your property
Our routine inspections are thorough and conducted regularly, ensuring we protect the value of our client’s assets.

Where a maintenance issue has been identified, we aim to rectify the problem within days if possible and fix issues before they become an expensive repair.

We troubleshoot issues with tenants
We have systems in place to troubleshoot maintenance issues with the tenant before a tradesperson is sent to the property, keeping costs down for our landlords.

Maybe the door unlocks in a certain way or the air-conditioning works best on a particular setting. We familiarise your tenants with these little quirks so they become second nature, rather than becoming a job for our handyman.

Building a personal relationship with our tenants means we can work with them to overcome unexpected life changes, which they may otherwise have thought they needed to move out. Long term tenants help keep landlord management fees low.

We will respond in the same day
We make it a priority to respond to any email or phone call on the same day, if not within hours. You shouldn’t have to wait days to find out what’s happening with your property.

A cut-price property manager may seem appealing in the beginning but we have seen many landlords incur much greater costs than they had originally anticipated because their property was mismanaged.

What our clients have to say
Want to talk to us about your property?
Our customer focussed team guarantee that taking care of your property is our number one priority.

Courtney Pearson
Business Development Manager
0482 661 612
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