Spring is a great time to tackle those little jobs around the house you’ve been wanting to tick off the to-do list.

We have a local network of tried and tested trades that can help with anything from cleaning and handy work, to electrical, plumbing and renovations.

We Love Local

As a small business, we love supporting local tradespeople.

We have partnered with some of the best and most reliable trades in Brisbane’s inner-west, who are proud to be small, family owned businesses.

Their quality of work is exceptional and we know our clients are always being well cared for.

Sold | 44 Gregory Street, Toowong $1,248,750

Building Strong Relationships

Another benefit of using local businesses is that they are more personable, enabling us to build strong working relationships with them.

This allows us to tailor jobs to suit our client’s needs and provides better bargaining power on work and pricing.

If we need something done as a priority, the relationships we’ve established with our network of tradespeople ensures they can attend to our requests as quickly as possible.

Taringa at the foothills of Mt Coot-tha

Supporting Our Community

Small businesses are the backbone of our community. Often, they are the Mums and Dads we see every day.

Employing local and small businesses means we are supporting Brisbane’s inner-western community and helping to grow this wonderful area.

As well as looking after your sales and rental needs, we are also here to recommend trusted and reliable tradespeople.

If you are in need of any recommendations please feel free to call us. Even if you aren’t moving home, we would like to ensure you’re looked after.

Researching the market?

Find out exactly what’s happening in your suburb with our 2019 Local Market Report.

  • Explore the change in property values over the past 5 years for Toowong, Taringa, Indooroopilly and St Lucia.
  • We shine the spotlight on all four suburbs.
  • Understand what the Brisbane property market will do in 2019.
  • Investigate the trends currently affecting our inner-western suburbs.
  • Compare the performance of Sydney, Melbourne & Brisbane.


Get Your Free Report

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